The CLEA bibliography cites working papers, publications, and presentations known to use Daniele Caramani’s Elections in Western Europe since 1815: Electoral Results by Constituencies or public releases of CLEA. Please contact us if you would like to include a citation.
Publication Listing (131 listings)
Anagol, S. and T. Fujiwara. (2016). “The runner-up effect.” Journal of Political Economy 124(4): 927-991.
Anagol, S. and Fujiwara, T. (2014). “The runner-up effect.” National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper 20261.
Arzheimer, K. and J. Evans (2010). “Bread and butter à la française: Multiparty forecasts of the French legislative vote (1981–2007).” International Journal of Forecasting 26(1): 19-31.
Ashton, J. (2013). Do moderates do better in marginals under First Past the Post in Canada?, University College London.
Bischoff, C. S. (2011). New Parties in Advanced Democracies: Causes and Barriers to Participation. Working Paper Series on the Legal Regulation of Political Parties, University of Copenhagen.
Bischoff, C. S. (2013). “Electorally unstable by supply or demand?—an examination of the causes of electoral volatility in advanced industrial democracies.” Public Choice 156(3-4): 537-561.
Bochsler, D. (2017). “The strategic effect of the plurality vote at the district level.” Electoral Studies 47: 94-112.
Bochsler, D. (2022). “Duverger and the territory: explaining deviations from the two-party-competition law.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 32(3): 501-520.
Bolleyer, N. and E. Bytzek (2013). “Origins of party formation and new party success in advanced democracies.” European Journal of Political Research 52(6): 773-796.
Calvo, E. (2009). “The competitive road to proportional representation: partisan biases and electoral regime change under increasing party competition.” World Politics 61(2): 254-295.
Caramani, D. (2004). The nationalization of politics: the formation of national electorates and party systems in Western Europe. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.
Caramani, D. and K. Kollman. (2017). “Symposium on “The nationalization of electoral politics: Frontiers of research”.” Electoral Studies, 47: 51-54.
Carreras, M., S. Morgenstern, et al. (2013). “Refining the theory of partisan alignments Evidence from Latin America.” Party Politics(Online First).
Chhibber, P. and K. Kollman (2009). The formation of national party systems: federalism and party competition in Canada, Great Britain, India, and the United States. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Close, C. (2013). Explaining parliamentary party dissent: a comparative analysis. Comparative and Canadian Politics Research Workshop. Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia.
Crisp, B. F., S. Olivella, et al. (2012). “Electoral contexts that impede voter coordination.” Electoral Studies 31(1): 143-158.
Croissant, A. and T. Schächter (2008). “Die Nationalisierung politischer Parteien und Parteiensysteme in asiatischen Neo-Demokratien.” Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49(4): 641-668.
Daxecker, U. E. and B. C. Prins. (2016). “The politicization of crime: electoral competition and the supply of maritime piracy in Indonesia.” Public Choice 169(3-4): 375-393.
de Miguel, C. (2014). Decentralization, Development of Parties and Party System Nationalization. 23rd IPSA World Congress, Montreal.
de Miguel, C. (2013). Nationalization in New and Old Party Systems: Electoral Incentives and Cross-District Coordination. Working paper.
de Miguel, C. (2016). “The role of electoral geography in the territorialization of party systems.” Electoral Studies.
de Miguel, C. G. (2011). The Geography of Economic Inequality, Institutions and Party System Territorialization. Working paper.
de Miguel Moyer, C. G. (2012). The Price of Territorial Politics: Economic Geography, Political Institutions and Party Systems, The University of Michigan. Ph.D. thesis.
De Neve, J.-E. (2009). Endogenous preferences: the political consequences of economic institutions. PSPE Working Papers. London, UK, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Döring, H. (2013). “The collective action of data collection: A data infrastructure on parties, elections and cabinets.” European Union Politics 14(1): 161-178.
Eggers, A.C. and Spirling, A. (2015). Incumbency Effects and the Strength of Party Preferences: Evidence from Multiparty Elections in the United Kingdom. Working paper.
Eggers, A.C., Vivyan, N., and Wagner, M. (2015). Expressive Accountability. Working Paper.
Eggers, A. C., O. Folke, et al. (2013). On the validity of the regression discontinuity design for estimating electoral effects: new evidence from over 40,000 close races. American Journal of Political Science.
Findley, M., R. Sexton, et al. (2016). “How Government Reactions to Violence Worsen Social Welfare: Evidence from Peru.” Working Paper
Forand, J.G. and Maheshri, V. (2014). A Dynamic Duverger’s Law. Working paper.
Garcia, C. (2011). “Review: Constituency-Level Elections and Constituency-Level Elections Archive Datasets.” APSA-CP 22(1): 20-22.
Gerring, J., J. Teorell, et al. (2010). Demographics and Schumpeterian Democracy at subnational levels, Working paper, Boston University.
Gerring, J., J. Teorell, et al. (2013). Scaling up: Demographics and Schumpeterian Democracy at subnational levels. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Gerring, J., M. Palmer, et al. (2015). “Demography and democracy: A global, district-level analysis of electoral contestation.” American Political Science Review 109(3): 574-591.
Golosov, G. V. (2015). “Party systems, electoral systems, and legislative fragmentation A cross-national empirical study.” Party Politics.
Golosov, G. V. (2014). Party system nationalization: The problems of measurement with an application to federal states Party Politics, 1–11.
Golosov, G. V. (2013). “Towards a classification of the world’s democratic party systems, step 1 Identifying the units.” Party Politics 19(1): 122-142.
Golosov, G. V. (2013). “Towards a classification of the world’s democratic party systems, step 2: Placing units into categories.” Party Politics.
Gomez, J. (2013). “Winning in New Democracies: Why Some Parties Are More Victorious Than Others in Foundational Elections.” McNair Scholars Research Journal 9(1): 8.
Guinjoan, M. (2011). Decided to compete: Contamination effects and parties’ entry decisions in mass elections. 69th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Chicago, IL.
Harfst, P., et al. (2018). “Elusive indeed – The mechanical versus psychological effects of electoral rules at the district level.” Electoral Studies, 53: 90-98.
Helmke, G. and B. M. Meguid (2007). Endogenous institutions: the origins of compulsory voting laws. American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Hicken, A. (2007). “The 2007 Thai Constitution: A Return to Politics Past.” Crossroads: An Interdiscplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 19(1): 128-160.
Hicken, A., K. Kollman, et al. (2016). “Party system nationalization and the provision of public health services.” Political Science Research and Methods 4(3): 573-594.
Hicken, A., K. Kollman, et al. (2008). Party System Nationalization and the Provision of Public Health Services, Working paper, University of Michigan.
Hicken, A., S. Satyanath, et al. (2005). “Political institutions and economic performance: The effects of accountability and obstacles to policy change.” American Journal of Political Science 49(4): 897-907.
Hicken, A. and H. Stoll (2008). “Electoral rules and the size of the prize: How political institutions shape presidential party systems.” The Journal of Politics 70(04): 1109-1127.
Hicken, A. and H. Stoll. (2016). “Legislative policy-making authority, party system size, and party system nationalization.” Electoral Studies.
Hicken, A. and H. Stoll (2010). Legislative policy-making authority, the number of parties and party system aggregation. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Hicken, A. and H. Stoll (2011). “Presidents and parties: How presidential elections shape coordination in legislative elections.” Comparative Political Studies 44(7): 854-883.
Hicken, A. and H. Stoll (2013). “Are all presidents created equal? Presidential powers and the shadow of presidential elections.” Comparative Political Studies 46(3): 291-319.
Hodgson, R. and J. Maloney (2012). “Economic voting in Britain, 1857–1914.” Electoral Studies 31(4): 668-678.
Huang, K-P. (2016). Formal Institutions and Elite Coordination: The Thai Rak Thai Party’s 2001 Victory Revisited, National Taiwan University.
i Coma, F.M. and A. Werner (2018). “Compulsory voting and ethnic diversity increase invalid voting while corruption does not: an analysis of 417 parliamentary elections in 73 countries.” Democratization
Jablonski, R. S. (2011). How Aid Target Votes: The Impact of Electoral Incentives on Aid Distribution. American Political Science Association Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
Jablonski, R. S. (2013). The Effect of Electoral Politics on Foreign Aid Spending. Political Science. San Diego, University of California, San Diego. Ph.D. thesis.
Jablonski, R. S. (Forthcoming). “How Aid Targets Votes: The Impact of Electoral Incentives on Foreign Aid Distribution.” World Politics.
Jesuit, D. K., P. R. Paradowski, et al. (2009). “Electoral support for extreme right-wing parties: A sub-national analysis of western European elections.” Electoral Studies 28(2): 279-290.
Johnston, R. (2014). Nationalization, sectional insurgency, and volatility. Canada as a critical case. 23rd IPSA World Congress, Montreal.
Jolly, S. (2010). Economics, Institutions and Culture: Explaining Regionalist Party Success in Europe. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago.
Jurado, I. (2014). “Party system nationalisation and social spending.” European Journal of Political Research 53(2): 288-307.
Kalinin, K. (2014). Linking Together Preference Falsification and Election Fraud: a Cross-National Analysis. American Political Science Association Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
Kamahara, Y., J. Wada, et al. (2021). Malapportionment in space and time: Decompose It! Electoral Studies 71 (Online First)
Kayser, M. A. and R. Lindstädt (2014). A Cross-National Measure of Electoral Risk. European Political Science Association, Berlin, Germany.
Kayser, M.A. and Lindstädt, R. (2015). A Cross-National Measure of Electoral Competitiveness. Political Analysis, 23(2), 242-253.
Kemmerling, A. and A. Stephan (2010). The determinants of the regional allocation of infrastucture investment in Spain. The Political Economy of Inter-Regional Fiscal Flows: Measurement, Determinants, and Effects on Country Stability. N. Bosch, M. Espasa and A. S. Ollé. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Kemmerling, A. and A. Stephan (Forthcoming). “Comparative political economy of regional transport infrastructure investment in Europe.” Journal of Comparative Economics.
Kenny, P. D. (2016). “Populism, Patronage, and Decentralization in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Presentation at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Pisa.
Kuo, A. and K. Jusko (2011). Electoral Opportunity: The SPD and the “Agricultural Proletariat”. 18th International Conference of Europeanists. Barcelona, Spain.
Ladley, D. and J. Rockey (2013). Party Formation and Competition. Working paper No. 10/17, Department of Economics, University of Leicester.
Lago, I. and F. Martínez i Coma (2012). “Forgetting to make votes count: The role of previous democratic experience.” Electoral Studies 31(2): 413-421.
Lago, I. and J. R. Montero (2010). The nationalisation of party systems revisited: A new measure based on parties’ entry decisions, electoral results, and district magnitude. Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Lago, I. and J. R. Montero (2014). “Defining and measuring party system nationalization.” European Political Science Review 6(2): 191-211.
Lago, I., M. Costa Lobo, et al. (2016). Coattail effects and electoral coordination (No. 1603). Universidade de Vigo, GEN-Governance and Economics research Network.
Lago, I. and S. Lago-Peñas. (2016). “An economic explanation of the nationalization of electoral politics.” Electoral Studies 44: 409-418.
Lago-Peñas, I. and S. Lago-Peñas (2009). “Does the nationalization of party systems affect the composition of public spending?” Economics of Governance 10(1): 85-98.
Lago-Peñas, I. and S. Lago-Peñas (2011). “Decentralization and the nationalization of party systems.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 29(2): 244-263.
Linzer, D. A. (2012). “The Relationship between Seats and Votes in Multiparty Systems.” Political Analysis 20(3): 400-416.
Lublin, D. (2017). “Electoral systems, ethnic diversity and party systems in developing democracies.” Electoral Studies, 47: 84-93.
Li, Yuhui and M. S. Shugart. (2016). “The Seat Product Model of the effective number of parties: A case for applied political science.” Electoral Studies 41: 23-34.
Maggini, N. and Emanuele, V. (2015). Contextual effects on individual voting behaviour: the impact of party system nationalization in Europe. Italian Political Science Review, 45(02), 105-130.
Maggini, N. and Emanuele, V. (2013).Does party system nationalization affect individual voting behavior? Evidence from 23 European countries. 2nd European Conference in Comparative Electoral Research. Rhodes, Greece.
Mershon, C. and O. Shvetsova (2013). Party System Change in Legislatures Worldwide: Moving Outside the Electoral Arena, Cambridge University Press.
Meserve, S. (2011). The Political Economy of Elections, Health Spending and Mortality in India. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA.
Meserve, S. A. (2011). The political economy of health: death, disease and distribution, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Montgomery, J. M., S. Olivella, et al. (2015). “An informed forensics approach to detecting vote irregularities.” Political Analysis 23(4): 488-505.
Montgomery, J. M., S. Olivella, et al. Supplemental Materials for: An Informed Forensics Approach to Detecting Vote Irregularities.
Morgenstern, S., J. Polga-Hecimovich, et al. (2012). “Ni Chicha ni Limoná: Party Nationalization in Pre-and Post-Authoritarian Chile.” Party Politics.
Morgenstern, S., S. M. Swindle, et al. (2009). “Party Nationalization and Institutions.” The Journal of Politics 71(4): 1322-1341.
Morin, A. J. and J. N. Victor (2010). Show Me the Money: Political Ambition, Specialization, and PAC Donations. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: 29.
Mustillo, T. and S. Mustillo (2009). Electoral Performance in a Multilevel Context: A Test of Regime Type and Electoral System on Nationalization. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada.
Mustillo, T. and J. A. Springer (2014). “Seeing beyond the datasets: the unexploited structure of electoral and institutional data.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology: 1-17.
Naoi, M. (2015). Building Legislative Coalitions for Free Trade in Asia: Globalization as Legislation. Cambridge University Press.
Nullmeier, F. (2013). “Transformationen demokratischer Staatlichkeit.” Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 26(1): 32-41.
Obradovich, N. (2017). “Climate change may speed democratic turnover.” Climatic Change 140(2): 135-147.
Obradovich, N. A. (2016). “Essays on the Politics and Political Effects of Climate Change.”
Peterka, T. J. (2016). Traditional Chiefs and Opposition Party Fragmentation in Africa. 2016 Southern California Comparative Political Institutions Conference.
Potter, J. (2013). Explaining Party Linkage as Supply-Side Ballot Composition. Working paper.
Potter, J. (2013). Selectively Entering Parties: Explaining Subnational Variation in Ballot Composition. Working paper.
Potter, J. (2013). Within-District and Cross-District Latent Diversity and Their Impacts on Party System Size. Working paper.
Selway, J. (2013). Can foreign aid make elections more competitive? The Monkey Cage. Washington, D.C., The Washington Post. 2013.
Shugart, M.S. and R. Taagepera (2017). Votes from seats: Logical models of electoral systems. Cambridge University Press.
Simmons, J., A. Hicken, et al. (2009). Dividing the Spoils: Party Nationalization, Credibility, and Foreign Direct Investment. Midwest Political Science Association 67th Annual conference. Chicago, IL.
Simmons, J., A. Hicken, et al. (2011). Dividing the Spoils: Party Nationalization, Credibility, and Foreign Direct Investment. CICDM/IR Workshop on Peace and Conflict, University of Maryland, College Park: 34.
Simmons, J., A. Hicken, et al. (2016). Party system structure and its consequences for foreign direct investment.” Party Politics, 24 (2): 141-153.
Simon Cosano, P. (2011). Understanding the Nationalization of Party. Department of Political and Social Sciences. Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Ph.D. thesis.
Simon, P. (2015). Heterogeneity in turnout rates across regions and the nationalization of party systems. Acta Politica, 1-21.
Simón, P. and M. Guinjoan. “The short-and long-term effects of institutional reforms on party system nationalization.”
Simon, P. and Guinjoan, M. (2014). The short- and long-term effects of institutional reforms on party system nationalization. Working Paper.
Simon, P. (2013). “The Combined Impact of Decentralisation and Personalism on the Nationalisation of Party Systems.” Political Studies 61(S1): 196-216.
Singer, M. M. (2013). “Was Duverger Correct? Single-Member District Election Outcomes in Fifty-three Countries.” British Journal of Political Science 43(01): 201-220.
Singer, M. M. (2016). “Is the party system affected by booms and busts? Not very much.” Electoral Studies.
Singer, M. M. and Z. Gershman. (2018). “Do changes in district magnitude affect electoral fragmentation? Evidence over time at the district level.” Electoral Studies, 54, 172-181.
Singer, M. M. and L. B. Stephenson (2009). “The Political Context and Duverger’s Theory: Evidence at the District Level.” Electoral Studies 28(3): 480-491.
Sjöberg, F. M. (2011). Competitive Elections in Authoritarian States: Weak States, Strong Elites, and Fractional Societies in Central Asia and Beyond. Department of Government. Uppsala, Uppsala University. Ph.D. thesis.
Strijbis, O. and R. Baumgartner. (2016). “The Limited Impact of Supranational Integration on Ethnonationalism Evidence from the Hungarian minority in Romania.”
Struthers, C.L., Y. Li, and M.S. Shugart. (2018). Introducing new multilevel datas: Party systems at the district and national levels.” Research and Politics. 5(4).
Sumner, J.L. (2015). Starving Your Enemies and Your Friends: Career Incentives and Nonlinearity in Fiscal Transfers in Decentralized Countries. Prepared for Visions in Methodology, University of Kentucky.
Taagepera, R., Selb, P. and Grofman, B. (2014). How Turnout Depends on the Number of Parties: A Logical Model. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 24(4), 393-413.
Taagepera, R., P. Selb, et al. (2012). How Turnout Depends on the Number of Parties/District Magnitude: A Logical Model. International Conference on the Effects of District Magnitude. Lisbon, Portugal.
Thames, F. and Palani, S. (2013). Party System Nationalization and Women’s Legislative Representation. Working paper.
Thames, F. (2012). Party System Institutionalization and the Institutionalization of Legislatures. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans.
Tiemann, G. (2012). “The Nationalization of Political Parties and Party Systems in Post-Communist Eastern Europe.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 45(1): 77-89.
Tiemann, G. (2012). Ties That Bind: Strategic Coordination in West European Electorates. Working paper.
Wahman, M. (2015). “Nationalized incumbents and regional challengers Opposition-and incumbent-party nationalization in Africa.” Party Politics.
Wahman, M. (2015). Nationalized incumbents and regional challengers: Opposition- and incumbent-party nationalization in Africa GIGA Working Papers 270.
Wahman, M. (2014). Reaching Beyond your Base? Incumbent and Opposition Party Nationalization in 26 Sub-Saharan African States Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC.
Warshaw C. (2017, Nov. 27). “An Evaluation of the Partisan Bias in Pennsylvania’s Congressional District Plan and its Efects on Representation in Congress.” Expert opinion in League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania v. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Weiner, R. J. (2011). “Why So Little Strategy? District-Level Electoral Entry in Theory and Practice.” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 49(1): 29-47.
Wolf, L. J. (2017). Spatiotemporal database of US congressional elections, 1896-2014. Scientific Data, 4.
Zhong, R. (2016). Political Uncertainty and Credit Risk: An International Study. Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
Zhong, R. (2014). Political Uncertainty and Credit Derivatives. Working Paper.